Großes Kartenupdate September 2012

Well, long time no see, here is another newsletter (and probably the longest ever) from &


New maps as well as old CCBYSA 2.0 maps up for download now!

(eine abgekürzte Version der News auf Deutsch gibt es hier: )

Maybe many of you thought, that there is no news due to me being on holidays, but actually I tried to work all of July and August, and improved many many things on the Openmtbmap and Velomap. But first of all, let's start with the license change.

The last map updates were on July 13, one day before the redaction bot started to take out all data from OSM, that wasn't compatible with the new odbl license. This gave me the chance to try out and hack away; to bring many improvements and some new features.

Yesterday, it was announced that the next planet file will be published under odbl. Therefore I used the last CCBYSA data, to compile new maps. Reason being, that the coastlines and boundaries are still from pre-redaction time, and hence no flooding should occur, and search working a bit better, and I don't yet need to change the license.

Consequently as […]