Openmtbmap Map Updates 13 January 2012 — and broken uploads —

Hello to all,

well instead of posting entirely happy about the fact that for nearly all countries (exception for now Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Norway) that I offered contourlines for – now have them integrated,  I have to say that at least the Alps and Germany the upload crashed – so please don't post further comments and emails about the countries currently not downloadable.  

After last week I spent a lot of time of fixing my website server, I didn't found time to get in the updates timely enough for checking that they are okay before going on holidays. I'm in Dubai on stopover on my way to China with my girlfriend and even though everything is really modern here, well working internet seems to be big trouble (tried 3 internet cafes besides my hotel so far and at all places internet really trickles in). Means I currently don't manage to get a stable/quick enough connection to log into my server to schedule the uploads to be done again. I hope I can do so tomorrow evening, else I'll try from Beijing (hope that i get through the big internet wall without problems…


For the future I'll try […]

Openmtbmap Down 09.01.2012

Hi Everyone. Just a quick note. Today my server crashed badly when upgrading opensuse from 11.4 to 12.1 (actually the whole /boot folder and other folders/data got reset or deleted). I spent most of today playing in backups and most things are up again. Note however that it is possible that some countries tomorrow may not be downloadable (especially velomap). Also possible map of Europe will be missing – other premium maps (north America..) will be available however.

Hallo allerseits, eine kurze Notiz.. Mir ist heute der Server gecrashed, und openmtbmap/velomap waren down. Ich hab den Server neu aufsetzen müssen // backups einspielen und die Website sollte inzwischen wieder (fast) vollständig funktionieren. Evtl werden die Kartendownloads (insbesondere Velomap) Morgen nicht online sein. Europa Premium Download könnte Morgen auch down sein, die Nordamerikakarten und andere sind dagegen schon wieder online.