Openmtbmap big map Updates for 23. February 2012

Well a bit late, but better late than never the announcement for last Fridays map updates.

First of all, as promised I worked a lot on getting more and more maps with contourlines shipped. So now for the United States maps, there are pretty good contourlines without too many holes available – based on SRTM1 data. For Canada on the other hand – it wasn't so easy – and for right now the contourlines are only up to 60°north – so the Northern part of Canada does not yet have contourlines. I'll try my best to get contourlines out based on data published by the State of Canada – but it ain#t so easy.

Besides I added contourlines to Australia-Oceania (actually just 2 days after I had them finished, Jonathan from viewfinderpanoramas added a bunch of new data – so I redid them). I also created contourlines for Australia, and for New-Zealand separately, so one doesn't need to download the full Australia-Oceania contourlines or maps. Oh yes – New Zealand and Australia as separate maps is new too.

For Africa and separately for South Africa and Lesotho, as well as for South America and Central America I now also added […]

Map Updates 17 Februar 2012

Well I continued further with my full concentration on integrating the contourlines into the maps and improving the Installer. From now on the installer remembers on map updates if you had installed the maps with contourlines integrated or not. Also there is a new option to have a separate contourlines map installed (this setting will be remembered from next map update onwards for future updates).

Now the separate contourline map is useful if you want to be able to switch on/off the contourlines on your GPS. However as the separate contourline map is identical no matter if you install it via a Openmtbmap or via a Velomap installer you will need to leave it activated also on the other install. E.g. if you install the openmtbmap Germany, and tick "install separate contourline map for Germany" and then install the Velomap and don't check "install separate contourline map for Germany" – the separate contourline map is uninstalled. Also if you would uninstall the Velomap Germany, it will be uninstalled (even though you installed it using the Openmtbmap Germany).

Also the German Bundelaender now include contourlines (with the exception of Berlin, Hamburg, Bremen as these citystates are too flat to make 20m […]