Beginner’s Starting Guide – Windows

This page is here to list step by step how to use theese maps if you have not used any Garmin products previously (section A and B). and if you’re new to the openmtbmap (C: and D:). Note, you don’t need a Garmin GPS to use these maps. If you have no Garmin GPS A: and D: will still apply / be usable.

Note for general orientation on The about section covers topics, specific to the openmtbmap (or limitations based on mkgmap – the opensource map compiler for OSM data). The tuturials section is about general topics related to Garmin GPS or Openstreetmap.

Text Tutorials:

Mac OSx / Apple Users – please read through part C: and D: – but your main instructions are to be found here:


A: Installing Maps to Computer

1. Download the openmtbmap of your choice from

– If you want to use the maps with Qlandkarte GT or on *nixthen Unzip the maps with 7-zip (lzma compression) Note that unzippers included in Windows/Mac/Linux probabely can’t unzip the .exe files. Windows users simply follow through the .exe installation. If the download consists of several parts – just extract all of them […]