
About the Autorouting

The maps offered here are to be used for cycling, mtbiking and hiking. There is a general preference to route you over trails and cycleways. Streets have lower priority. However note that the GPS will not take huge detours on trails to avoid a primary or secondary highway – even though they have the lowest priority. Autorouting with my maps is unusable with a motorcar. Use another Openstreetmap implementation instead if you intend to use you car. The maps can be used for autorouting on a racing bicycle – however the Velomaps are better for racing bicycles..

Downhill preference on difficult trails

All trails from which I can assume that they are usable downhill only will have much higher priority in the downhill direction, uphill they will only be chosen if long detours are unavoidable otherwise. This means uphill on relatively easy trail, downhill much more technical. In order for this to work you need to use the incline tag correctly. I have rules setup to catch more or less any value, be it incline=up or incline=down, incline=(-)??% or also wrong tags like incline=positive or incline=-. Any way […]