Mac OSx – Openmtbmap Beginners Guide

In general I try to keep the installation on Mac OSx as simple as possible. And in general it’s no more difficult compared to Windows. However some things might not be easy at the first time, so here comes an installation with screenshots for each step (mind I personally don’t have a mac, so I took the screenshots from a remote computer running OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) and Basecamp v. 4.0.4.

This is a guide for Dummies, so it is quite long. You will actually find all of this very easy I hope and keep in mind, this guide is written for people who never used Garmin format maps on their Mac. If you have experience with other maps, You will only need to read through Step 1, Step 2 and Step 5. However you might find the general information at the end useful too.

The screenshots in this guide show installing an OpenMTBMap. For the VeloMaps it is identical – the folder is simply called veloCOUNTRY instead of mtbCOUNTRY – i.e. velotaiwan_macosx.7z



So as a prerequisite get the newest version of Garmin Basecamp from here –

This should include, Garmin MapManager for Mac, and […]