Openmtbmap Download Server Down – Background Info

Since about 10 days the server is down, and well to say I'm pretty pissed of myself about not being able to publish new maps. Especially as the VeloMap creation process is broken since 18 January too and no maps can be downloaded. Here some FAQ regarding the downtime. The old server seems to have crashed completly and impossible to get it back up.

Though I have no exact traffic counts, because I can only guestimate the number of downloads (I only have statictics for people donwloading via the map download page and not people getting maps directly without redirection from the server, I know that alone by clicks on the Map Download page, on some days last summer more than 600GB of maps were downloaded (that was about 500-600 downloads of Germany, 300x Italy, and so on). Next summer that will be twice the traffic from last summer, by OSM data doubling alone (not taking into account that more people use the maps, as the homepage itself traffic grows consistently — currently bout 2000 visitors a day even though no maps available)


I will not offer Torrents for download, because

a) it would still need a very […]