Map Updates 05.09.2009 – Big Change


Maybe you will not see that a lot has changed, but if you look closer you will see that nearly everything regarding the map build has changed during the last two weeks. Lines and Polygons are now using extended types whereever possible or needed. This has one huge advantage, if you don't like a certain map element to be displayed at all, simply delete the definition from the Typfile (if 0x?????, in case it is 0x?? is is standard type and you should never delete the definition) and it will not be displayed anymore.

Also there is now even clearer difference on ways whether cycling is allowed or not, and many many new polygon types (e.g. fell and heathland). I think this should make eveyone happy. If you have old typfiles, adapting them will need a lot of time, as I had to move around a lot of types to accomodate the extended types.

I hope everything is working allright (the netherlands should again have working autorouting in all tiles, or so I hope).

To see all the changes I recommend that you install the legend and have a look for yourself on all the nice new features.

Germany is currently down until new version is up.

New Contourlines for Alps and Germany


okay now you have my official contourline maps for Germany as for the alps. There is batch for installing inside the download. Please give me feedback if everything works as expected. If so I will try to get contourlines for wester Europe.

If not using the batch I recommend using gmaptool with maptk as compiler (you can set it in the GUI options page)  to install the contourlines. I recommend against using mapsettoolkit though it should work for 95% of all users, but in case something doesn't work as expected don't blame it on the maps then.... Also don't blame my maps if cgpsmapper craps out on installing with whatever GUI or commandline.

Die hards can off course do everything with mkgmap...