Map Updates 13 August 2010

Only minor changes this time (i.e. healthcare=* polygon and amenity=ice_cream POI).

BTW according to tagstat/tagwatch there are now about 45.000 ways classified with mtb:scale. This is about half the amount of ways classified with sac_scale. If one excludes the sac_scale=hiking value (which can mean more or less anything to a mtbiker) and excludes mtb:scale=0 than both keys now value up more or less.

On the other hand only about 7000 ways have mtb:scale:uphill classification…..

Both of this looks quite good in comparison (though in reality there has to be much much more classified ways) to Garmins announcements like (if I remember correctly) Topo Germany v3 includes 60.000km of cycle routes. Neither 60.000km is anything (OSM probably matches this in a few big cities alone) nor are 45.000 ways classified according to mtb:scale a lot.


Map Updates 5. August 2010

Besides adding Gelaterias (ice_cream parlors) to the map, I worked quite a bit on naming of streets. I hope that names given inside relations should work now, and ref should now also always be displayed on the routing instructions (before it was a bit hit and miss). I would still like to attack class:bicycle more profoundly, but for the next 4 weeks I have only my 14" laptop screen to work with, and it's horrible to do any kind of hacking on such  a small screen with the complexity of the given task. So it will have to wait a bit. The velomap has now also profited from quite a few updates, but the server currently crashes on updating — one reason why I keep rendering the openmtbmap under "fulll own responsibility" — though on a server donated by a nice openmtbmap user….

So long for now, keep having fun with the most detailed represenation of OSM data…..