Valentines Day Map Updates…..

Well I won't give out flowers to everyone receiving this newsletter, but prefer to announce that I solved some problems on the map updates. The main problem for the maps from the last update was that in the Openmtbmap, showing an altitude profile for routes in Mapsource/Basecamp didn't work, on the other hand for Velomap if you deactivated the contourlines during installation - the routing in Mapsource/Basecamp would be broken. I solved this problem now (wasn't so easy as I first thought) - and now both profile and routing work no matter what you select on installation. I plan to rewrite the installer in such a way, that it also proposes a separate installation of the contourlines - so for people who prefer to send the contourlines as a separate map to the GPS (so you can switch it on/off) they can do so easily.

Because I don't think it is used much, I also decided to stop including the install_openmtbmap.bat, the unregister/reregister_addresssearch.bat as well as the uninstall.bat. In order to make sure noone uses them anymore (they don't work anymore for maps with contourlines) I decided for the installer to delete them.


On the other hand since a few weeks mkgmap can create a working address index when creating a gmapsupp.img file (the format you need for your GPS) and I wrote a new batch routine that creates gmapsupp.img files with mkgmap including address search ready for your GPS (create_gmapsupp.img_with_mkgmap.bat). If there is demand I will still include a question for you to choose if you want a) only openmtbmaps/velomaps without contourlines b) with contourlines integrated c) map in its own gmapsupp.img file and contourlines in its own gmapsupp.img file.

Also I (maybe for the last time? So few people using it...) repaired the create_mapsource_installationfiles_with_mkgmap.bat that was broken due to mkgmap updates. Thanks for Christoph to point me on the error. I also integrated hike and easy layout to be chosen.

I also fixed the FID on the North America Velomap maps, so that now they don't interfere anymore and you can both install the openmtbmap and the velomap of the same North American country/region.

Last but not least I am since about 1 week working on contourlines for North America. First I thought it will be done quickly, but actually due to the enourmos data amount of the SRTM1 data - my server is now processing Canada and US-South since over 100 hours, I hope it will eventually sometimes finish. Besides I will still create contourlines for New Zealand and maybe South America...

Map Updates February 3. 2012

Well this is my last map update from China. Not that it wasn't great here, but internet connection with workable speed for working stuff on the Server was a major PITA. Truly wouldn't be able to work from here for longer, everything takes 5-10 times as much time. So for fixing little stuff it took ages. Nevertheless as of tomorrow all openmtbmaps and velomaps should now have contourlines integrated -- this means all countries for which I offered contourlines previously/separately. Additionally now also the full Europe map has contourlines integrated.

For the velomaps that include contourlines, some bug that I didn't notice stopped the creation. I fixed it today and right now the Velomaps are uploading with contourlines. For the openmtbmap (well and actually also maps of Europe) I had a typo that meant that no altitude profile for routes is shown in Basecamp/Mapsource. I fixed this on the VeloMaps, but than if you deselect the contourlines the routing will crash. I'm thinking on how to fix it (I know how I could do it, but that would increase the filesize by about 10% because I would have to include separate search address index files) or if I should leave the status quo, or whether I should make it impossible to deselect the contourlines and thereby circumvent the problem....

I may add contourlines for some more countries, but not so sure yet. If so it will rather be on the "premium downloads" only available to donators....