Map Updates 12.10.2009


- Wichtig

Achtung Karten muessen nach update neu installiert werden (ausfuehren von install_with*.bat ist noetig) - sonst startet Mapsource nicht mehr. Liegt an Aenderungen von gmaptool.

Straßennamen stark geaendert um die Addressuche (beta) besser zu implementieren - daher auch keine road-name-pois mehr.

-- Wenn man den Straßenindex aufs Geraet uebertraegt, sind zurzeit leider keine Straßen suchbar die mit A oder B anfangen, und nur in der Kachel wo man sich gerade befindet. Dies sind noch bugs in mkgmap.


Changed mtbroute from 0x14 to 0x27 - this means that mtb routes will still be visible zoomed far out on Vista/Legend which they somehow were not before (fine in Mapsource though)

Changed residential with servie 0x07 vs 0x08.

Search index can now be installed using "create mapsource installationfiles.bat" - not yet installed by default. May even break sending maps to GPS if installed - please don't report bugs related to this. Search index cannot be included when creating maps with "create gmapsupp.bat"", because the structure of the search index has to be changed by Mapsource.

Correction of Bugs

Okay, after fiddling a lot with mkgmap and my scripts, I hope that the up to now (since last nights) map update missing/broken countries (alps, germany, france, great britain,  netherlands) will update allright now.

Nordrhein-Westfalen will be unavailable till tomorrow evening - sorry bout that.

I also changed my processing scripts to hopefully not upload any broken maps anymore - so that the working ones rest on server.