Map Updates 30.04.2010 and Launch of

First to the map updates. The main change is that routing had been a bit broken using motorcar/motorcycle as mkgmap had dropped some functionality. So if you wondered why you were sent onto big roads instead of perfectly suitable pathes, try out the new maps (broken since 2 or 3 updates).  Also I updated the polygon colors a tiny bit again and a bit better secondary scaling.

The big update however is that I launched a new map/page … – the new map from for cyclists and racing cyclists… brings you the best map for casual cycling, commuting to work, or race cycling. is one of the most used maps based on Openstreetmap and has focussed on hikers, mtbikers and cyclists. This however ment lots of additional information without much use for onroad cycling. Also Autorouting for cyclists can be still a lot better if one excludes small trail and tracks.  

With the advent of VeloMap.Org maps, I will change the focus of the Openmtbmap to be much much more offroad focussed (so much gnarlier trails….) while offering a second map for normal cycling or roadbiking. With maps, autorouting now works over […]

Kartenupdates 23.04.2010

Wieder mal einige Aenderungen, wobei die meisten recht unscheinbar sind. Etwa weitere Arbeit an den Typfiles, etwas klareres einblenden in den Zoomstufen von Fahrradrouten, und Korrekturen/Anpassungen fuer unbekannte Wegattribute. Schon im SVN geudpated, aber erst zum naechsten Kartenupdate inkludiert ist eine Unterscheidung zwischen mtb:scale= "0-" ; "0" und "0+"