Map Updates 8. december .2011 —- New countries in the Premium Download section

Upon requests that I got I have added North America to the map downloads. So for everyone who was so nice to donate to Openmtbmap/Velomap and got an account you can now actually get maps from all over the world. Mind though that the quality of the maps in North America, though big in data quantity is not anywhere near to Europe. Most of the data comes from mass imports, some of them not done well, sometimes several import sources conflicting each other. Canada can be downloaded as a single country, US is split up into the following several parts.


Don't ask me what region is actually covered by which extract. I also don't know if they overlap. I neither have a nice map showing it. As usual I rely here on the extracts from Geofabrik, and they don't offer a download for all of the USA..

Besides to be found in the generally open download section I added central america. Also I added more African countries (Morocco, Libya, Somalia, Tanzania). Geofabrik offers some more countries, but as of now they virtually have no data. Once they have some valuable data I could add them too.

On the other hand, once more a try to render Asia failed, seems that there is too much really really broken data.

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