(English) Map Updates 21.05.2010

Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English e Deutsch.

Sorry for being late with the map updates. VeloMap.org and writing new scripts for generating the openmtbmap took up a lot of time for me. I was sure to update tonight on a new sponsored server for the map creation, but after noticing that if failed very often found out I only had 1GB RAM instead of 8GB RAM assignend. I hope as this gets corrected that the openmtbmap will be updated twice weekly. I have big problems uploading the maps from my local PC (takes now already nearly 15 hours) and therefore wait(ed) for the server to be usable. If problems with the server persist, I will update the maps tomorrow evening locally from my PC


Corrected the annoying turn on Ramp routing instructions (now if it tells you to go along ramps, it means up/down stairs which is pretty logical, ain't it?)

In the most popular countries (update later than 01:00 CET 22.05) correct roundabout routing (other maps next update)

Changed Layout of major streets to be more harmonic...

(English) Map Updates 11.05.2010

Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English e Deutsch.

This update brings the promised offroad focussed change in the Autorouting. I was actually surprised, but autorouting over longer distances (except if you start from inside a city, or worse try to get through a city) is working on as long distances as before. Even though you now really get to interesting stuff. Please report if it is too hardcore....

And now it is really time to add mtb:scale:uphill and incline keys, cause if they are not set, then you'll often have to hike uphill. Also mtb:type is heavily preferred now (for allmountain, enduro and their like).

For onroad there is now the velomap, so I will soon change some modes to maybe give some more room to block gnarly uphill trails (though that will mean inside the mode downhill preference for gnarly trails will suffer, so it would mainly intended for intermediary rerouting).

The velomaps are available for all of Europe as beta. (note don't yet use any of the "create" batches for them, there will be problems).