Sorry for the Spam Message today

Sorry for the spam message some hours ago, I could trace down the account of the user who some years ago translated the website to Italian got hacked (I guess his password and email were leaked somewhere), and that account had access to posting articles. I just did a couple of other checks and there was no access to the database or any files of the website. I could log that the post was written with his account so I downgraded his account to remove editing rights on articles and posts. This was not an administrator account so there has been no data breach.

As for news on openmtbmaps and velomaps - I am working on some new bigger things but will need some more months. I had hoped to be finished this early spring but because I moved back from Cyprus after 4 years to Innsbruck, I didn't find enough time to finish this work. I am still blocked a bit on time by furnishing my new flat but soon should have more time to work on the new maps. Over the last months there have been constant improvements, some small bugs fixed but there haven't been any huge new things. The biggest change I thing many people noticed already, Geofabrik changed the Alps region - so now Alps really covers the full Alps - however it misses parts of South Germany outside the Alps which are now not included anymore. I therefore decided to add a DACH - Germany (D), Austria (A), Switzerland (CH) map to make up for those people often needing maps of German/Austrian border region and don't want to download the full map of Europe.


Where you can see the motorways - is covered by the new Alps region map.

So sorry again for the spam email today, and stay tuned for bigger updates in 2-3 months time.

Greetings from Innsbruck where this winter hasn't been a winter at all.




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