19. October Map Updates — all Contourlines reworked

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New Reworked Contourlines

(deutsche Version weiter unten für email Empfänger) Well, actually I wanted to post this message already last week, but the updates took much longer than I first expected. So here we go:

Already last week, all European maps (except map of Europe) got new/reworked contourlines. While in the Alps, there was no change as the data stayed the same, all other European country maps, now also use data from viefinderpanoramas.org - hence artefacts and holes should be a thing of the past (note, in general the quality in Europe was already pretty high). Much much better contourlines are now in New Zealand and Australia, here the quality is about as good as in Europe now. Also the contourlines of Africa and South America and Asia are much much better now. Mountaineous regions are now more or less everywhere pretty good, some less good/clean contourlines remain in rather flat regions.

The contourlines for the full map of Europe are also updated, and now also Iceland and other "exotic" European countries are covered with contourlines. This means that if you update the map of Europe, you will also need to update the contourlines (usually updating the map data, and running the new installer is enough). Same goes for all other countries where contourlines are not included in the installer (except North America).

North America contourlines remain unchanged for now, but I'm pretty positive that within a few weeks I can also publish updates for them.


Also for all maps that come with contourlines integrated and included in the installer - I rendered the contourlines separately for the Velomaps. This means should you accidentally install Velomap and Openmtbmap of the same country both including contourlines, there is no problem (except one more map on your GPS). For all contourline maps, that are a separate download, you however still have to watch out to only send the contourlines once.


New Country Maps

Besides I added country maps for Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Uruguay in South America. All of course with contourlines integrated.

In Africa I added contourlines for Somalia, and with Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Liberia and Nigeria new countries.


Other map improvements

Already last week, I updated the racing layout for the Velomaps a bit more, to give even better contrast.

Better naming for restaurants and include ref for emergency access points into the name.

Rework of National Parks // Nature Reserves

Improving how various towers look in the map.



So if you like my work, I'm allways happy about anyone donating and getting a membership. More than 70% of the recipients of this email, have never donated to openmtbmap/velomap. Please support my work by getting a membership - only then I can continue to improve the maps, and soon also offer maps for mobile devices.


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