Openmtbmap Map Updates 8. July 2011

For this map update, I went for a bit unstable mkgmap version. Currently if you try to send maps by Mapsource to your GPS, it will only work if you send the map as a whole. Selecting some tiles will fail. I'm waiting if there is a solution by today (Sunday) and in any case provide updates tonight.

I did test the version, but noticed the bug too late (actually only when someone commented on the map download page). As for promised changes. I'll check them in soon, I've got a pretty major update coming with lots of new features, but need some more time for it.

For the Velomap I more strictly set tracktype=grade 2 to be considered as unpaved (was disrespected for routes), but hope to get a nicer solution on this soon too.


Besides the switch to a new server took a bit more time and work than anticipated but the new server should be pretty stable and gone the times when would respond sluggishly late afternoon / early evening. (BTW downtime was about 20 minutes only, so I'm pretty proud of changing so efficiently). Also I did change quite a few pages, most importantly […]

Map Updates 1. July 2011

Well, I'm really sorry to again not be able to write about nice stuff done to the maps. I have not found any time. I worked a lot on the website and administrative stuff, and got a new shiny server for the website which should take over from tomorrow. Performance is like 5-8times higher, so also in the evening it will be lightning fast, and I don't need to spend time anymore trying to optimise everywhere so that the sites run decently.

As for the maps, if you look on the FTP server, there are now (this week only openmtbmap, next week velomap too) readymade gmapsupp.img files (though right now as I think, I'm not too sure if I included a .TYP-file). But definitely from next week onwards, there will be readymade gmapsupp.img files of all maps too, and I might add a premium installer that includes Contourlines to Europemap with working address search (timeframe 3-4 weeks).

It's still a misery to me how time passes by, and even though I worked like 12-14 hours daily this week, I find no time to deliver needed updates especially to Velomap regarding unpaved roads. But I do hope to find […]