Again Updates


Since 23.05 all my maps had one big flaw, routing over tile boundaries did not work. Luckily error is solved now and therefore I upload new maps.

As reactions to the beta maps were quite positive, I will stick to the format.

The next big change is the move to 7zip compression, as it saves about 10% better than RAR or ZIP on maximum compression. Generally I would have preferred zip or rar because it is more widespread, but 7zip is anyhow a very good program and lzma compression is also widespread, Opensource (which rar is not) and supported on all OS. I will need to hear good arguments to move back to zip. Please comment if 7zip format is a factor for you not using the openmtbmap.

Map data will not be updated however, as geofabrik sever is down.


Map Updates 09 June

Okay, the last map updates were a step in the right direction IMHO, but many of you were right that they were not "clean". I followed the route and decreased the map to three tiles now (main1, main2, mtb). Also routing offroad is now much more differentiated and in the tooltip of Mapsource (not on GPS for the moment, however I'm working on it...) and for every street type that could be unpaved, I take now mtb:scale/mtb:scale:uphill/ routes, tracktype, bicycle=no, bicycle=yes, bicycle=designated and sac_scale into consideration (about 150 different combinations for EACH road type, like path or unclassified) so that road classification is even better. Oh and riverbanks are back (was not nice to look at empy rivers, was it?)


n the mapsource tooltip you can identify which factors were taken into account as I put abbreviations into the name. These are much shorter this time, and on my Vista HCx in the routing page, very rarely does a roadname get stripped, on the map page while navigating even less often.

Routing over longer distances should work a bit better now, if the area is well mapped. I tried out a many routes that I know from the past and I was really astonished how closely or often better the route calculated is. Of course good mapping in an area is the key! - I calculated some routes around Garmin Partenkirchen in Germany, and hell, they must be a lot of fun on a mountainbike!


Oh and I nearly forgot to tell, Performance on GPS units when panning the map has increased tremendously, I found some hacks that even Garmin does not seem to know on how to change what gets drawn first, and panning/moving the map ist now a lot quicker (I'ld guestimate on averge 30-50% less waiting, smother moving without decreasing detail level)!

For downhill please enable shorter distance instead of faster route, and then more difficult runs (if more or less in the fallline to your destination) will be chosen. Also using mode bicycle sometimes produces very good results, In general car/motorcycle is better though. The main change with this map update is, that cycleways are not really required anymore to get somewhere, but tracks and pathes are well and often chosen. To get you understand the names, have a look at the abbreviation list:

Abbreviations used:

pri=primary / primary_link

CW1=higwhway=* & highway=cycleway. (you should not tag like this).

bk=bicycle=yes or simply bicycle therefor bkrt means bikeroute/cycleroute depending on way, mtbroute means mountainbikeroute.
mtb?? - i.e. mtb1:4 means mtb:scale:1 & mtb:scale:uphill4

Current Issues: Tooltip on GPS does not show correct mtb:scale/mtb:scale:uphill information, the displayed symbols are correct.
Autorouting on GPS does not work over longer distances.