(English) Open MTB Map updates 12.03.

Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English e Deutsch.

First of all, the list of changes over the last two weeks. I changed the layout of the maps mainly regarding the classification of sac_scale from pink to green. This is less obstrusive and routes/tracks in default colors are easier to distinguish from ways. On this weeks update I changed the default color for "plain" pathes back to blue and reworked a bit how and when pathes are shown in blue or in a green tone (when they are considered to be rather footways). Note that I used a new type (0x10f09) so if you had adapted the typfile/layout include that type.

Last week the other big change was that I corrected some bugs that made cycleroutes and mtbroutes missing in lower map resolutions. That bug affected before both the velomap and the openmtbmap for some weeks. I too found out about a small bug that I had mistakenly using in my mkgmap patches – that made maps 5% bigger than they needed to be. This got fixed last week too. Note that when using the batch files to create new mapsets including contourlines to […]