Map Updates 22. July 2011

Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English.

After last weeks State of the Map Europe in Vienna I have not found yet much time to work on the maps. That ain't bad in general however, as last week I arranged a cooperation with a Map Toolkit provider to work together on a new online map, plus Apps for Iphone/Android with maps made for mtbikers, cyclists, and hikers. Maybe also proper guides.

As for the maps I did include now POI symbols for mtb:scale=3-7. This means if you have pathes/tracks with some special difficulty short sections, instead of splitting up the way, you can simply put a Point with tag: mtb:scale and value =3-7 (6 and 7 are commonly used by vertriders, I'll try to find examples/definitions for the Wiki in the coming months) on the way or besides it (if it's a node of the way, then it's part of it, it it's besides, then it's an "attraction" which you can take but don't have to. I'll try to come up with a tag to say "it's part of the way, but there is an easy way around – so you don't have to […]

Map Updates 12. July 2012

After the troubles with sending maps to the GPS with mapsource/basecamp, and also (very rare) reported crashes when searching for addresses on the GPS and my report to the mkgmap Mailinglist of the problem, Steve fixed this today, so as promised I'm pushing through a new round of updates (updated the map data too).

For what I can see the address search works really well now. At least on my Vista HCx. Just some general hints. When searching for an address, simply skip the city and region field and directly enter a number (doesn't matter what number, you can also simply click on okay, as mkgmap not yet inserts numbers into the maps even if they exist in OSM). Then enter the streetname. Now you should already have a list of possible addresses. For popular street names you can then still filter it down by entering a city name. Watch out on the list however, that you get the correct one. For example in Austria Vienna is read in as a region, and not as a city. So you have to enter the correct vieannease district as city (or vienna (well correctly "Wien" as region). Choosing this order it's much […]