(English) Big Changes for 18.06 Map Update

Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English e Deutsch.

Okay, this is going to be quite substantial changes

  • Besides having a more modern layout, the installer is now also asking for the typfile (thanks to David Ecker for helping me out here - as this wasn't easy at all)
  • POI -- Well what I promised the last time, has now arrived one week later. All POI should now be shown on Oregon/Dakota an other newer generation GPS.  I might try some tweaking to have shops disappear earlier, but except for that it should be set now. Also some new POI rendered.
  • Class:bicycle is now in preliminary support for the openmtbmap. I hope to get this working better over the next weeks (and hope people use it). I implemented it more or less 100% for the Velomap (next updates by today evening (so in bout 20 hours). Please use this key, for making autorouting an even bigger smash. Please use class:bicycle:mtb and class:bicycle:mtb:technical extensively to highlight your favourite trails.



(English) Map Updates 11.06.2010

Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English e Deutsch.

I now put all files into the .exe. Be prepared however that the installer defaults to the classic typfile. So for other tpyfiles you will still have to run the .bat installer. All .bat files should be 100% compatible to the .exe files. Meaning you can install with .exe, and uninstall with either .exe or .bat. If I find some time I will add a selection for typfile into the installer, but this ain't easy and I don'r really know how to do it.

Also many POI changed their type, I hope that this gives better compatibility to Oregon/Dakota series, and maybe even Nuvi series that previously all missed many POI. This means if you adapted your typfiles, you have to copy over the POI section, else you're in big trouble.

Until the updates are through, many countries will not be downloadable as I deleted all old files.


deleted comment but linked here: Linux users can use "7z e openmtbmap...exe" to unextract the maps. Ubuntu/Kubuntu you need to install p7zip-full.