New Maps


O.k. there are new maps currently being built. They have autorouting that blows everything what existed here before away. Just play around with them and please comment back on how you like it, and if there is something to improve.

I had no single Mapsource error anymore (found a bug this Morning, and Mark Button was so kind to produce a patch to solve it - there could be errors associated to the patch, but I haven't found any). The biggest problem therefore are unconnected roads as of now and missing tags.

-- Have Fun!


Ob BTW yesterday was the busiest day here on the website so far. Google Analytics counted 9000 pagesviews (3000 clicks on download page!) and around 2000 Unique Visits. There has been an article mentioning openmtbmap on, but the main referrers as allways was, google, and I think I gotta start learning Italian :).


-- Kurz auf Deutsch. Wird Morgen erweitert. Neue Karten gerade am bauen, Stellen vom Autorouting das bisher dagewesene in den Schatten, und endlich keine Mapsource Fehler mehr, sondern wenn dann Luftlinie - ich hoffe alle Fehler sind nun debugged!!! Also auf Attribute eintragen, neue Wege mappen, und vor allem ein bisserl schauen dass unverbundene Wege verbunden werden, hier liegt das Hauptproblem!!!!!!

Big Update to the Openmtbmaps for June

O.k. the first contries are uploading already, so I will post about the news:

  1. White Background (this can be changed back in the typfile by deleting 0x4b if you don't like it) - The white background only appears when zoomed in to around 500m or closer. This is dependant on the map data. Should improve visibility a lot on most PNA. Makes no difference to Mapsource. I did change the look of other things too quite a lot. Layout is more consistent now. Still missing a few POI in the Typfile though (you can identify them in Qlandkarte GT or Mapsource looking at the map legend).
  2. Autorouting improved once more.New lines visible on GPS and/or Qlandkarte GT
  3. Search for roadnames. Not as good as real address search but better than nothing.
  4. Icons for Polygons
  5. Many more small things.
  6. ATTENTION ON UPDATE - Delete all old *.img before copying in the new data. I patched my mkgmap installation to allow for less layers. Now there are only 4 layers (main, main2, mtb1, mtb2). This means you can't simply overwrite on updating but you need to delete all *.img first, otherwise you might run into problems.