Look at and Upload the Openmtbmap.org now from any Platform – Thanks to QLandkarte GT

O.k. I don't think many of you have look into Qlandkarte GT Sourcecode every day so noone could have spilt the news already. A few days ago I got in contact with Oliver, the Author from Qlandkarte GT (I had been in contact with him before - but that was because I had probs compiling Qlandkarte and there were no Binaries yet) and I asked him whether he could adapt the rendering engine.

And less than 36 hours after some more talk I can present you a screenshot taken with the latest Qlandkarte GT (compile from SVN for now if you want) of the openmtbmap. So all Linux and Mac Users can from now on enjoy the openmtbmap and send it to their GPS (needs compiling driver too for now) without any need to resort to Windows. And for everyone that aked for precompiled gmapsupp.img, sorry won't come. Just use Qlandkarte GT (installing a map needs nothing more than opening the .tdb from within Qlandkarte) from now on.

Here are two Screenshots (click to open fullsize image in 1520x954).

Openmtbmap.org with DEM Data


And here one example of why I consider QlandkarteGT the best progam for planning! You can put the Openmtbmap as an overlay over your existing Geotiff Rastermaps. Great to see eventual shortcomings in the OSM data and to find out where you should go next for mapping. The raster maps displayed on the following screenshot is copyrighted by the LVA Bayern.


Visit QlandkarteGt here: www.qlandkarte.org/

Note that it will be compatible with the upcoming v .13 or you can get it now already if checkout SVN. Also if you've read down till here - maybe you fancy helping Oliver by writing code so that Qlandkarte GT will support autorouting in future too.

Qlandkarte GT is much more than a simple viewer for Openmtbmap.org however. In effect it's the best program (except expensive heavyweights like TTQV or Oziexplorer) for displaying Raster maps. Meaning you can view and rotate any of your scanned old paper maps, ......  But you will get most out of it when you start putting a transparent openmtbmap.org over your rastermaps.... and put SRTM file behind to view all maps in 3D view (which is actually in my eyes by far the best 3D view available compared to other progs).

To activate the correct rendering of openmtbmap.org in Qlandkarte go to Settings --> Garmin maps --> and activate the "Bitmap" checkbox. Note that the current maps still display with some errors. This will be corrected by the next map update.

Mountainbike and Bicycle Autorouting Revamped – New Maps / Karten

O.k. my fellow Mountainbikers, Hikers and Cyclists.

The Openmtbmap.org as of today got a new routing that simply kicks ass. I implemented about 100 additional lines into my main lines stylefile (now 500 lines longs - I will write a spreadsheet for future changes as the rules get really complex by now. Only for highway=track there are about 50 lines to check for most common things like routes, access restrictions, mtb:scale, mtb:scale:uphill and tracktype.

So to get to the point. If you activate "avoid toll roads" on your GPS or in Mapsource you get pristine bicycle routing respecting all laws (if the access rights are set correctly), not using footways, bridleways except if they are part of a bicycle route or have bicycle=yes or bicycle=designated added. Oneway streets (except primary, secondary, tertiary) will also be routed against their direction ( I hope that mkgmap coders find out about how we can set the unpaved and the carpool option - then oneway streets will get their own switch to be respected).

If you deactivate the toll roads option your GPS is ready for Mountainbike and Hiking action. No access rights are respected anymore, gnarly trails will be chosen and if the area you're in has good OSM coverage and mountainbike routes then just follow the autorouting and you should be guided to the nicest places on your way.

Also the maps got a new stylefile for better readability (forest is very light green now) and I added many more POI into their correct category. Some search example that can come very handy: search for a citybike? Simply search for  the Auto Services --> Auto Rental and all bike rentals will be listed to you and you can use your GPS to let you guide to the next citybike. I've been really saved many hours by using that search (kudos to Norbert, or was it Andreas? to import the Viennese Citybikes into OSM). Search for your next bike dealer? Just search for Auto Services --> Auto Repair and not only all car repairs (they can often help us out too) but also all bike dealers are listed. Remember --- behave with openmtbmap.org as a ciclyst just like a cardriver. I coded it so that the maps works perfect in car/motorcycle setting. You may try setting bicycle as transport mean and report back here or in the forums if the routing is still sensible or not. I think not.

Oh and for those of you that were sometimes routed on highway=motorway or highway=trunk - that's sorted now. I really kicked out the routing information now. There was a small bug that made them routable in some rare cases. That's solved!

This applies to all maps uploaded from 10.05 onwards. I will regenerate all maps tonight so you can enjoy the big changes! Switzerland is already online!

Hallo Mountainbiker, Fahrradfahrer und Wanderer - Die Mountainbike Karten sind nun auch fuer Fahrradfahrer und Wanderer tiptop benutzbar

In meiner Mission euch das beste Autorouting zu bringen bin ich einen großen Schritt vorwaerts gekommen. Die Karte hat nun 2 dezidierte Routingmodi welche ueber die Toll Roads / Mautstraßen vermeiden Option eingestellt werden. Die technischen Details dazu stehen oben.

Wie auch immer, wenn ihr den Haken bei Mautstraßen vermeiden setzt  (in Mapsource unter Werkzeuge, Einstellungen, Routing) dann verhaelt sich die Openmtbmap ganz loeblich (die folgenden Eigenschaften sind logisch von vorne nach hinten aufgelistet).Kein Routing auf Fußwegen außer bicycle=yes/designated bzw ist gesetzt, bzw eine Fahrradroute fuehrt ueber den Fußweg. Highway=track wird bei Tracktype Grade3-5 vom Routing ausgeschlossen. mtb:scale=>1 oder mtb:scale:uphill>2 schließt Wege vom Routing aus........

Einbahnstraßen werden weiterhin nicht respektiert (außer auf primary, secondary, tertiary), ich hoffe hierfuer in Zukunft noch einen dezidierten Switch einbauen zu koennen.

Bei deaktivieren der Mautstraßen Option kommt die Openmtbmap.org so richtig zum leben. Trails, Fußwege, schwierige Tracks, ... sind nun freigeschaltet zum Autorouting. Acces Beschraenkungen wie bicycle=no werden missachted und die Karte eignet sich optimal zum wandern und Mountainbiken.

Zusaetzlich (neben der Erweiterung auf ganz Europa falls es jemand noch nicht mitbekommen hat) haben die Karten nun ein neues Design, mit hellerem Wald und duenneren Straßen. Ausserdem wurden viele neue POI aufgenommen. Ich werde die Straßentypen nun nicht mehr groß aendern, also wenn ihr selber weiter optimieren moechtet am Design, dann bearbeitet euer "Typfile" (mtb*.TYP) mit maptk oder anderen Tools und ihr koennt eure ganz persoenliche Kartendarstellung vom Design einstellen. Bei den POI wird aber noch einiges kommen in Zukunft und evtl auch Typaenderungen damit noch mehr POI ueber die Suche auffindbar sind.

Und mein persoenlicher Tipp fuer Anfaenger von Heute. Wusstet ihr schon dass ihr euch mit der Openmtbmap.org zum naechsten Citybike/Fahhradverleih lotsen lassen koennt? Einfach in der Suche nach Autoverleih suchen, aber ihr findet keinen Autoverleih sondern stattdessen die naechsten Citybikes von eurem Aufenthaltsort. Fahrradhaendler findet ihr unter Autowerkstaetten (hier habe ich Autowerkstaetten drinnengelassen, sind ja evtl im Notfall auch wichtig wenn kein Fahrradhaendler fuers groebere Werkzeug in der Naehe ist).

Achted aufs Datum. Nur Karten die ab dem 10.05 hochgeladen sind unterstuetzen die neuen Modi. Ich werde aber heute Nacht alle Laender neu durchrendern! Die Schweiz ist schon online. Die weiteren Karten folgen nun.