Missing Landuses

Hallo everyone. Do you miss any landuses that are quite commonly used?

There are still some types leftover that I could use to get even more landuses to show up. Please comment and I will try to add them

(there will be about 60 new POIs in the next maps and much better searchability - Total of around 300 then).

About the upcoming map updates

Well thanks to Qlandkarte GT it is now possible to view even more information from OSM on your computer screen. I will add tracktype and sac:scale information to the Openmtbmaps. There is one catch. While the additional information will be displayed on most GPS units (at least on Vista HCx and 60CSx) - it will not be shown in Mapsource.

Qlandkarte GT however will display the Overlays. Note that because I don't want to increase the tile number too much tracktype will only be shown outside of tunnels and bridges (here you should not need tracktype anyhow). And sac:scale will be shown in preference to oneway streets (an unlikely combination too).

Installation of Qlandkarte GT in Ubuntu x64 did run very smooth BTW - took me bout 15 minutes. For instructions read on here:  http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Map_On_Garmin/QLandkarte

While I got Qlandkarte GT running on Windows XP 32bit after the hassle of adding gdal to system path (I used the free tool Redmond Path for this as for all of the progs I have to add to Win system path) which is not done in standard installation (Qlandkarte complained on startup that gdal.fw cannot be found), I have not yet suceeded in Windows 7 RC x64. I think the problem is that fwtools is only compatible with 32 bit systems. Will try compiling the necessary programs by hand. (yikes).

Now for the autorouting. I have heard and experienced myself many complaints that routing over larger distances with the maps of 10.05 did not work over distances as small as 5-10km inside cities (contrary it worked pretty well on the countryside). Even though the routes that did calculate where really nice IMHO, i will try to get the routing working for longer distances again with the next map updates. This is a bit of conservative step back which I regret cause routes on the countryside were so nice with 10.05 maps but I will have to increase the priority of normal roads a bit.

I will likely too implement one way streets but recommend using the GPS or Mapsource in Emergency mode if route calculation fails because of oneway streets (Emergency setting is quite nice insofar it behaves more or less like car/motorcycle but disrespects any turn and access restrictions)