Map Updates 13.09 – new Downhill trails oneway

Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English e Deutsch.


For this time the big update is that all trails from which I can assume that they are usable downhill only will be only used as oneway for autorouting. This means uphill on relatively easy trail, downhill much more technical. In order for this to work you need to use the incline tag correctly. I have rules setup to catch more or less any value, be it incline=up or incline=down, incline=(-)??% or also wrong tags like incline=positive or incline=-. Any way with mtb:scale:uphill=4 or mtb:scale:uphill=5 (see mtb:scale for explication of mtb:scale:uphill) will be made oneway if inlcline tag exists to specify the incline direction. Therefore please add mtb:scale:uphill and incline tags to all your favourite trails that are too difficult for uphill. mtb:scale:uphill=3 will be considered oneway if incline>15% or incline<-15%.


It does not matter whether the way itself in the osm database points uphill or downhill. I reverse ways pointing uphill when rendering the maps. This is of course only possible if the incline tag exists on the way.


Therefore I have heavily increased the priority of difficult downhills, so please add […]

Map Updates 05.09.2009 – Big Change

Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English e Deutsch.


Maybe you will not see that a lot has changed, but if you look closer you will see that nearly everything regarding the map build has changed during the last two weeks. Lines and Polygons are now using extended types whereever possible or needed. This has one huge advantage, if you don’t like a certain map element to be displayed at all, simply delete the definition from the Typfile (if 0x?????, in case it is 0x?? is is standard type and you should never delete the definition) and it will not be displayed anymore.

Also there is now even clearer difference on ways whether cycling is allowed or not, and many many new polygon types (e.g. fell and heathland). I think this should make eveyone happy. If you have old typfiles, adapting them will need a lot of time, as I had to move around a lot of types to accomodate the extended types.

I hope everything is working allright (the netherlands should again have working autorouting in all tiles, or so I hope).

To see all the changes I recommend that you […]