Map Updates 18.12.2009

Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in Deutsch.

After popular request I will now try to publish new maps on Thursday night (well next week lets see). For this update the main change is that avoid toll is only blocking very difficult ways. Avoid Unpaved roads, avoids unpaved (but not very difficult) ways. So you can use both or only one... Also taxi and emergency are changed around (next map update will make use of avoid carpool lanes, therefore I had to change them around). Full explication is on .

Also avoid ferries does work now (and will avoid ferrys and cablecars/gondolas/mixed lifts).


Ab jetzt werde ich wegen Nachfrage versuchen Mittwochs oder Donnerstag Abend immer die Updates zu starten. Diesmal gibt es neues: Maut vermeiden - vermeidet nun nur noch sehr schwierige Wege. "Unbefestigte Wege vermeiden" vermeidet unbefestigte Wege (mit Ausnahme von sehr schwierigen Wegen die mit Maut vermeiden gemieden werden). Man kann nun also beides seperat verwenden. Ausserdem ist "Emergency" (Krankenwagen) mit Taxi vertauscht (zum naechsten Update kommt dann Fahrgemeinschaftsspuren vermeiden fuer neue Funktionen, daher musste ich es tauschen). Volle Erklaerung der Autorouting Optionen auf

Ausserdem funktioniert nun die Funktion "Faehren vermeiden" (avoid ferrys) - und vermeidet neben Faehren auch noch Lifte (Gondeln/Telegondeln).

Map Updates 07.12.2009

Autorouting in Mapsource works around 50% better if used via car/motorcycle faster route. Now shorter Distance will actually work pretty well too - especially on longer distances and in combination with mode :bicycle.

Routing using mode bicycle and shorter distance works pretty similar to how mode car/motorcycle and faster time worked before. Faster Time and bicycle does not work well together. Delivery and shorter distance is another pretty nice combination now, whereas faster time and car/motorcycle now really favors cyclroutes and mtbroutes.

Using shorter distance the maximum routable distance doubled more or less. Using faster time, it increased by about 50%. Using mode shorter distance is great if you need to autoroute on etrex / 60 CSx, edge or older units, as it now mostly manages distances up to 20km.


Also Autorouting against the traffic flow (if cycleway=opposite; opposite_track; opposite_lane or on residential and other small streets will now be avoided). And Delivery only avoids Primaries/Secondaries - but does not block them. (this was actually already on last map Update). On top I changed the character set to plain ASCII - meaning no more German Umlauts (produced problems with the address search) and no more ?? questionmarks.